Get the lost volume of your hair with PRP Hair treatment

The problem of hair thinning and hair loss is quite a common yet highly ignored issue that actually needs the right treatment. Even statistics show that nearly 50 million people have lost their hair because of some health issues or other environmental problems. Once people reach the age of 50 this problem becomes more evident and that is when it is crucial to take the right action. However, at Garekar M.D. Dermatology Clinic you can get the PRP hair treatment done which can offer positive results and the effect will be noticed from the first day itself. If you are curious to know more about it then our team of experts can offer better guidance.

Discover more about PRP treatment:

It has been noted that PRP injections actually trigger the natural growth of the hair and ensure it is well maintained as the blood supply increases and reaches out to the hair follicle. It also thickens the shaft of the hair giving it a better volume.

With the range of proteins and good growing actors that pace up tissue repair, there is no doubt that this is one of the popular methods by which hair growth can be restored all again. Even surgeons have suggested that using this treatment for treating different concerns like muscles, tendons can be quite beneficial too.

Using PRP treatment for hair: How does it really work?

PRP injections can be quite effective to treat the baldness of the male pattern. It helps to prevent not just hair loss but also ensure new hair growth is rightly promoted too. It also stimulates the growth of the hair. Using PRP treatment is safe as it uses our own blood to start with healing.

At Garekar M.D. Dermatology Clinic, we shall begin the process once the overall analysis and evaluation in the area are done. With the right technique and advanced technologies, our trained experts would make sure a good concentration of plasma rich with platelets is given to the scalp when it is already in its antiseptic solution.

There are many cytokines and growth factors that are present in PRP which stimulate and then enhance the hair follicles' functioning. If you need, this treatment can also be well combined with other treatments for better results.


There are so many different ways by which hair loss can be controlled but to date, no treatment has shown such amazing results as the PRP hair option has offered. This platelet-rich plasma solution is effective because the blood is drawn from your own body while it is injected into the scalp which can start healing the body tissues in many ways. There has been scientific proof for the same and if you are keen to try for yourself then Garekar M.D. Dermatology Clinic is here to assist you at every step.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Are there any other conditions that hair fall for which PRP can be used?

Yes, it is useful for treating conditions not just associated with the head but also for problems like Rotator cuff, Chronic tendinopathies, Patellar tendon, Muscle strains and tears, Tennis elbow, and Achilles tendon to name some.

Who is the suitable PRP hair loss treatment candidate?

If the individual has a weak quality of hair or if he/she has started noticing mild hair thinning or baldness then they would be an ideal candidate.

Why PRP for hair loss is advised?

The therapy of platelet-rich plasma is one effective three-step medical treatment where the blood of the person is processed and later injected into the scalp.